These two are so fun! Madeleine likes to put on her ballet clothes any old time, but this time Ian got to her slippers. It is just so funny to me to see a kid like Ian, total boy through and through, wearing the girliest pairs of his sister's shoes. Do you see the little stuffed toy Madeleine is holding? That's Chick Chick. She is obsessed with Chick Chick. It's totally dramatic and kind of annoying, but I am no dummy. I pick my battles, so Chick Chick accompanies Madeleine most places. Turns out we also have a stuffed horse named Horse Horse. Do you see a pattern?
Grandpa Paul took some pictures after church today. I don't know what face Ian was trying to imitate, but I like the way this one turned out.
Such a couple of cuties!
A family picture. It was super dark so I tried to lighten it and it doesn't look so hot. Oh well.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
A bunch of pictures
Posted by Rachel at 9:32 PM 5 comments
Madeleine is becoming quite the little reader. She has known all the letters and their sounds for a long time and she has been able to sound out small words, but it seems like recently the whole concept really clicked for her and she is reading like crazy! She still has days when she is too tired and impatient to try to learn new words, but I'm sure that is to be expected. Last weekend, Grandpa Paul taught her all the words in The Berenstain Bears and the Spooky Old Tree and she read the book all in one day. This is the first book Spencer read when he was her age. I absolutely LOVE what Paul and Sandi have done with this book! First of all, they used this to teach the kids how to read, but then had the kids write their name in it the day they first learned it. And then saved the book so the grandkids could read it too!! How amazing is that?
Madeleine was just thrilled to be able to write her name in the book along with her aunt and uncles. I think Ian is hoping the book survives a few more years so he can put his name in it too.
Good job on all the reading Madeleine! We are so proud!!
Posted by Rachel at 8:38 PM 6 comments
Sunday, September 6, 2009
I have some catching up to do!
I am SO far behind in my blogging!! In my mind, I intended to do a post on each of these events, but now they have piled up to the point that I know I won't do individual posts so here they are lumped together. And they may or may not be in chronological order.My Grandma Barb found her new love, Lincoln Raynes, and got married in the Mt. Timpanogos temple on August 8th. They are so cute and so in love! It's really sweet! I was lucky enough to make it up there for most of the festivities. It was so great to see so much family after being in Houston all summer so far from everyone. And pretty much all of my Lee cousins were there which was amazing! We all had so much fun together at family reunions as kids and it has been ages since we were all gathered in one place so that was extra special. Spencer and the kids stayed in Houston so they had to miss out. Hopefully the next time all the extended Lees get together we can really all be there, no one missing.
I can't lie. Spending time with Rozannah had to be my very favorite part. She and I were sidekicks for so many years, growing up and in college, and we haven't seen each other for over 2 years so it was a definite highlight to catch up with her again.
After I got back from Utah, it was time to pack up and head back to AZ. On our way home, we stopped in New Braunfels to play at Schlitterbahn one day. Schlitterbahn is an enormous water park and we knew we would be remiss if we didn't take the opportunity to visit there when we had the chance. I wanted to take a lot of pictures, but I really should have gotten one of the waterproof disposable cameras and since I didn't we got only these two pictures which are not a very good representation of all the fun we had there. Oh well. They are something. Anyway, it was pretty awesome! If you ever have the chance to go there, you must take it! Just make sure your kids are well rested before you go so you don't have to sit around holding a sleeping child for an hour. You could do that anywhere.
When we got back to Mesa, Madeleine started kindergarten. Here she is on her first day. She goes full day and while it is pretty tiring for her, I think she is handling it really well. She mostly seems tired when she has ballet right after school. She is having a lot of fun in school. She doesn't remember much about each day to recap, but I am hopeful that there is some actual learning going on. And so far her favorite class is P.E.
Then, I think to prove just how much she is really growing up, Madeleine lost her first tooth! It was loose on a Sunday and we freed it from the last little thread it was hanging on to on Thursday. For some reason, that makes her seem even older than starting kindergarten. She was SUPER excited about it! She is thrilled to be able to put a straw into her mouth where her tooth used to be. It really is crazy how fast these babies grow up!
Posted by Rachel at 9:55 PM 9 comments