I dropped the ball on having a before picture of our girls' bedroom, but take it from me, it was nothing special...at all. Though I had made cute matching bedding (pictured here and here), once it was on their beds in our house, I never really loved it. Maddie's bed was black wrought iron with a tall headboard and footboad so her bedding was obscured. The same is true with Alayna's bedding in our black crib that was fine for Ian, but not right for Alayna. Besides, Alayna never slept a wink in that crib. Oh well. So the time came that I was ready for our baby to move into a big bed and rather than do a toddler bed that she would soon grow out of, we opted for a twin and then I could do the room all cute. So I did!
This picture is a bit closer up on the trim. The little bookshelves are $4 spice racks from Ikea. (Idea found on Pinterest.) Our Ikea in Houston doesn't sell them, but lucky for me I have a very sweet sister in Arizona who was willing to get some for me from her Ikea and bring them to me. Thanks, Mag!
Their dresser before. A craigslist special. I didn't do much to it, just changed the knobs. It's a lovely piece of furniture that didn't need much. Or maybe what it did need was stuff I wasn't willing to do. Either way, it's perfect for them. Look at all those drawers!
The picture frames with wire was something I either saw on Pinterest or at a friend's baby shower. Probably both. The mirror was a gift from another sweet sister (Olivia). It used to be gold, which wouldn't have matched so I sprayed it silver. I'm not totally thrilled with how it turned out but it evidently doesn't bother me enough to do anything about it since it's up on the wall. I'd like to put hooks on the wall below the mirror. That will happen someday, when I find just the right thing.
Here's the vanity before. I was over the moon about this vanity! It was exactly what I was looking for: attractive, functional, well made and not too pricey. Also from craigslist. It's probably an antique that I really shouldn't have painted it, but I did anyway. And I love it!Sorry there's not a closer shot. Getting handles for it was a bit of a nightmare. The holes are spaced oddly so there was pretty much one place I found online to buy the pulls from. Then I ordered wrong. The wrong pulls were delivered to my neighbor by mistake but they had already sent a replacement order to me. So I ended up with 8 pulls that don't work for this. Eventually I found the ones pictured here and I think they are a perfect fit. Luckily since there were very few options. I also found the stool on craigslist. For $10! I am still planning to recover the cushion since leopard print doesn't really go. Olivia is to be thanked for the curtains too. After I texted her a picture of the decorative pillows she said she had some fabric that would go well. She was right!
Another look at the beds, one last time. I'm dreaming up some projects for 2013. (Maybe in 2014 I'll blog about them.)