Thursday, January 29, 2009


We took the kids bowling a couple weeks ago and it was super fun! They both loved it! Ian wanted every turn to be his turn so it was a little tricky keeping him out of the way when it was actually someone else's turn. The bowling alley had bumpers so we avoided gutter balls, but they didn't have one of those racks for kids to use. Do you know the one I mean? You just put the ball on it and roll it down. Anyway, it was really cute to see Maddie and Ian bowl, but getting through 10 frames was a lengthy process. And we paid for two games. Ian would send one ball down the alley and then immediately bowl the next one and there was still plenty of time to move the knocked-down pins out of the way before the second ball got to the pins.
Maddie was fabulous! She had such a great time and kept wondering if she was winning. Truthfully, none of us is very good and since we used the bumpers we could hardly say Spencer's and my scores were realistic, so I told her we all won.
Here's Spencer in action. We bought two gift certificates to this bowling alley for a really cheap and we only used one, so we are all looking forward to going again soon!


agirlnamedgay said...

cute! looks like a fun family outing!! so are you feeling at home in AZ? miss you too! hope you visit at some point in time!!!

Jen said...

I absolutely love bowling! I think some of the best memories of childhood involve bowling with my folks. Nobody's good at it really and you can all laugh about it and just have fun! You guys look great! I miss the crap out of you!

Julie and Carlos said...

My kids love bowling too! Why don't you drive out there and we can bowl together?

Bekah said...

Why am I not surprised that Ian can hold a bowling ball? I can barely hold a bowlig ball. Miss you

sosocalrands said...

Looks like you all had so much fun! Avery talks about Madeleine quite often. We will talk to you soon!