Friday, February 8, 2008

Why do I do this to myself?

Does anyone want some caramel popcorn? It's homemade....from scratch....just yesterday. If you don't help me eat it, I can almost guarantee I will have eaten it all by Sunday. Where is my self control? Why, when it is nearing time to make dinner, do I spend over an hour making a honkin' huge batch of caramel popcorn instead? The results were these: the popcorn is amazing (if i do say so myself) and dinner was definitley sub-par. Oh, and I also needed to be getting ready for a meeting and that had to wait till the popcorn was done so I was totally stressing about getting there on time. And I was a few minutes late. Who can I blame for that? Anyway, the kids are more than willing to help me eat it but I am much better at limiting their sugar intake than I am mine. If you know Spencer, you know he is not too tempted by sweets or at least he is very good at not yielding to the temptation. So, if you want some delicious caramel popcorn you better tell me soon or it will all be gone and I'll be scrounging for clothes that aren't too tight!


brookeisacrazylady said...

That looks soo good. I love carmel popcorn, especially homemade. I have the same kind of husband and i'm the same kind of girl.

Jen said...

You're killing me woman! DO NOT tempt a preggie lady with caramel ANYTHING! I hope you have the couch made up for me.......

Vudochki said...

Homemade cararmel popcorn is wonderful. When it's insight, I can't control myself. I ate so much of it at Christmas! Do you have a good recipe for it?

Claire Thompson said...

So funny! I am the same way I can limit my kids intake but no control when it comes to myself, Enjoy, I would love some but I especially don't need the extra calories.

Laura said...

sometimes i think "if i just eat it all today, it won't be there to tempt me tomorrow". good logic, huh? and why are husbands like drives me crazy!! if you have someone to indulge with it makes it less naughty.

Rachel said...

Oh! Laura, I cannot tell you how many times I have told myself the exact same thing! The unfortunate thing is that it makes me need the sweets in a way. And since I ate all that I had, I have to buy or make more. One of these days I'll kick my sugar habit....

The Sorensens said...

I totally would have helped you with this. Caramel popcorn is one of my favorites!!!